Roadmap for the future of this project.

Hello there, Eclipse here.

I would figure it is good I write this statement regarding the state of this project. Firstly, if you managed to come from that circle in uni whence this project comes from, thank you for stopping by and seeing this project in a permanent home.

As for the rest of you, welcome aboard. Over here, I will keep this development log regarding major milestones in development, as well as any sort of commentary I should make regarding this project's development.

Anyway, now for the point of this post.

At the current state the project is in, my biggest goal in the future is to finalize the battle mechanics. In the current build, you may notice that the [TECH] and [DEFEND] options are not clickable in-game, so the biggest thing to do would be to finalize those mechanics. I do not anticipate selecting character skills to be such a problem (maybe those that require targeting the ally party, like a heal spell?), but the defend option may end up being something I would remove.

There would perhaps be about three skills per character in the next build, but no moveset learning.

Other than that, secondary goals would be to implement more environments and enemies and try to fix dynamic level scaling (I plan for enemies to scale dynamically with player level, but for some reason, this did not work in the current build.

If you have any suggestions on what I could do for the DEFEND option, please let me know in private.

See ya.

Get Project A (tentative title)

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