Current progress report (End of summer, '21)

Hello there, Eclipse here.

Just a heads up that I have been intermittently working on this project here and there for the past couple of weeks. As of yet, we have a working skill system. Skills are selectable in the battle menu, mana costs work, and we also have multi-target skills working, though animations are rudimentary and only a limited number of basic skills are implemented, with no learn sets as of yet.

I have been spending the past couple of weeks trying to figure out how exactly to implement animations, whether it be just through particles or hand drawn from sprites and objects. The basic attack is fine as is, but the same "character moves across screens" animation would work fine for a magic melee attack, for example. In this process, I managed to segregate the timeline code into an "attackCommon" timeline that is now initially called when an attack is initiated, and calls the unique timeline when a move is wound up. Common code (i.e. the subroutine that sets up an attack and actually deals the damage and debuffs, and so on) and attack-specific code (which would ultimately probably be just for animations) is now contained in its own areas.

(EDIT: There is also the fact that Niko, one of the characters, has a lot of special traits that would be associated with her kit.)

As for when I am gonna create a new build, I am not certain when that will take place. It will most definitely be when I finish the skill system to a presentable state, which I probably want to get done by the time the equinox rolls about.

See ya.

Get Project A (tentative title)

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