Autumn 22 build

Hi there, Eclipse here.
New season, new build!...except I did miss Summer. I ended up trying to implement a lot of things and too many of them were rather temperamental while I was coding them so I decided to hold off until all of them were finished.

The main highlight I have here is that movesets are finished. Characters can now learn skills according to a prescribed moveset when they level up. I also ended up including a routine where if a character has more than four skills, they must forget one to learn a new skill or otherwise balk on learning this new skill. (n.b.: this part is why this build took a while)

Still a handful of polish to do. I think what I want to do for next issue is implement things in the overworld (and possibly design a level that can possibly be utilized in the final cut).

But overall, I am happy with the battle logic in this state. (Now we need more enemy variety and to learn how to program AI).

By the way, I am currently in search of some more teammates to collaborate with on this project. Most of them are in art, but some other disciplines can use some help. Message me for details.

See ya. ECT out.

Files 2.2 MB
Oct 03, 2022

Get Project A (tentative title)


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Oi, a roadmap. Forgot to write one when I published:

  • Overworld content (NPCs, interactables, etc.)
  • More enemy variety
  • At least one shippable level
  • Push by end of year